This election is about the key issues that affect you and your communities: job creation, your rights on the job, policies that create jobs here at home.
The Wall Street bankers who drove the economy off the cliff – the corporations outsourcing good jobs overseas, anti-union contractors who want to take away your hard-earned wages – they are spending millions to take over Congress and even state offices here in Arkansas.
We can’t match them dollar for dollar. But we have the power of a mobilized membership.
We owe it to ourselves and our children to vote on the issues that matter to us as working people. It’s not about partisanship. It’s about our jobs and our future.
Get informed, get involved and vote. We can’t afford to sit this one out. How you vote is your personal decision, but your union has endorsed the following candidates, because we believe they have a better understanding of the issues affecting working families and will stand up for us. We have also done an analysis of the proposed constitutional amendments and taken positions on two of them.
AGAINST Issue No. 2 for a Constitutional Amendment to remove the interest rate ceiling on bonds, defer the rate on some loans to the federal government, and affirm a 17% interest ceiling on consumer loans. Vote NO on Issue 2 to prevent the increase in interest rate ceilings.
AGAINST Issue No. 3, a proposed Constitutional Amendment abolishing the people's right to vote and decide whether to approve bonds creating public debt and gives that power exclusively to the legislature. Vote NO on Issue 3 to protect the power of the people from the lobbyists.
Steve Zega for Circuit Judge
Earl Hunton for State Representative, District 87
Jim House for State Representative, District 89
Mark Swaney for State Representative, District 90
Greg Leding for State Representative, District 92
Barbara Fitzpatrick for Quorum Court, JP District 6
Mark Kinion for City Council, Ward 2
Rhonda Adams for City Council, Ward 4
U.S. Senate: No Position
U.S. Congress, Third District: David Whitaker
Arkansas Constitutional Offices
Governor: Governor Mike Beebe
Lieutenant Governor: Senator Shane Broadway
Attorney General: Attorney General Dustin McDaniel
Secretary of State: County Clerk Pat O'Brien
State Treasurer: State Treasurer Martha Shoffner
Auditor of State: Charlie Daniels
Commissioner of State Lands: L.J. Bryant
Nonpartisan Judicial Runoff
State Supreme Court Assoc. Justice Position 6: Court of Appeals Judge Karen Baker
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