The Wage Gap….It’s not just about women anymore! The wage gap isn’t just a women’s issue. Equal pay for women raises family income and the whole family benefits.
In 2006, women earned approximately 77 cents for every dollar men received. That’s $23 less to spend on groceries, housing, child care and all other expenses for every $100 worth of work done.
Two years ago, AFSCME Local 965 raised the problem of the significant wage gap between male and female professors at the University of Arkansas with Chancellor John White, but his response was to offer excuses rather than solutions. We are hopeful that Chancellor David Gearhart will take the issue more seriously and take meaningful action to make it right.
A press conference will be held observing Pay Equity Day Tuesday, April 28, 1PM at the Fayetteville Public Library Walker Room. Pay Equity Day is the day to which women must work the following year to make the same money as a man made in the 12 months of the year before. Women must work 16 months for what men earn in one year. The press conference is being sponsored by The American Association of University Women Fayetteville Branch, Business and Professional Women of NW Arkansas, Democratic Women of Washington County, League of Women Voters of Arkansas, and National Organization of Women of Arkansas. Information from the new AAUW State by State Earnings Comparsion and the last University of Arkansas Wage Study will be shared. Where women are wage wise and what needs to be done to address the disparity will be discussed.
In 2006, women earned approximately 77 cents for every dollar men received. That’s $23 less to spend on groceries, housing, child care and all other expenses for every $100 worth of work done.
Two years ago, AFSCME Local 965 raised the problem of the significant wage gap between male and female professors at the University of Arkansas with Chancellor John White, but his response was to offer excuses rather than solutions. We are hopeful that Chancellor David Gearhart will take the issue more seriously and take meaningful action to make it right.
A press conference will be held observing Pay Equity Day Tuesday, April 28, 1PM at the Fayetteville Public Library Walker Room. Pay Equity Day is the day to which women must work the following year to make the same money as a man made in the 12 months of the year before. Women must work 16 months for what men earn in one year. The press conference is being sponsored by The American Association of University Women Fayetteville Branch, Business and Professional Women of NW Arkansas, Democratic Women of Washington County, League of Women Voters of Arkansas, and National Organization of Women of Arkansas. Information from the new AAUW State by State Earnings Comparsion and the last University of Arkansas Wage Study will be shared. Where women are wage wise and what needs to be done to address the disparity will be discussed.
For questions or further information, contact Berta Seitz, 479-442-6256, or email at berta.seitz@att.net.
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